Rosa Martin - rosawanders.com

A New York City community of over 1000+ strategist who come together monthly for conversations and experiences around culture, people and the craft of strategy.


I was craving a community of thinkers who just felt like ‘my people.’ So when I stumbled upon STRTGST I was beside myself. I joined the STRTGST team to create content for social to raise awareness of STRTGST's monthly programming.

Hit up the highlights on IG at @STRTGST.co to view my recap stories of our in-person and virtual gatherings.

Rosa Martin - rosawanders.com





Culture of: Intimacy


We took a deep dive into the ocean of emotion and explored the spectrum of connection. A lot of fancy talk to say that we learned what intimacy is really about. *SPOILER ALERT* it ain’t what society pushes 🍆😏. The reality behind, underneath, and deep within, is that there’s so much more. - Darien LaBeach


Photography Credit: Sean Choi


While a night like this is typically all hands on deck, I spent most of my time capturing content of the night for our social recap. I also created social posts that raised awareness about the upcoming event and designed the program for the evening.

Rosa Martin - rosawanders.com